Short Sale Training Video Library
Posted on 13. Nov, 2018 by ctlms in Blog, Foreclosures, My Blog, News, Real Estate, Short Sale, foreclosure
View our 3-Hours of live short sale training videos.
In August 2018 we conducted a live 3-hour training event for all real estate professionals. We had over 150 attendees including real estate agents, paralegals, attorneys and mortgage originators. It was a great event. Many people that wanted to attend were not able to do so due to other conflicts.
Well, we had the event professional recorded and broke down the event into 20 digestible video clips, organized by topic. We've posted these videos on our website and our Facebook page. You can click here to view the videos on our Facebook page or click the Videos tab at the top of the page to view them here on our website.
Sean Wilder
Loss Mit Services
What is a Short Sale?
Posted on 23. Aug, 2018 by ctlms in Blog, Foreclosures, My Blog, News, Real Estate, Short Sale, foreclosure
In this segment, we explain the basic explanation of what a short sale is.
Brokers Only: Loss Mitigation and Short Sale Update 9/21/18
Posted on 10. Jul, 2018 by ctlms in Blog, Foreclosures, My Blog, News, Real Estate, Short Sale, foreclosure
Upcoming Loss Mitigation/Short Sale update/Traning for Brokers at GHAR 9/21/18 9:30am to 11:30am

This training is for Brokers and Office Managers and will be held at the GHAR offices 430 New Park Avenue Suite 202 Hartford, CT 06106
Register at
Topics will include
- Current state of short sales & what the future looks like
- Debt Negotiation companies must be licensed and where to check
- Ask for references or ask for 3rd party verification of Debt Negotiator
- Liability concerns, Check your E&O
- Privacy of Client information
- As always, the agent is not an expert, and don’t try to be
- Why Dual Agency is a bad idea on a short sale
- Why it is crucial to research the situation at the beginning
- Who is the mortgage servicer
- Who is the investor
- Are there other liens
- Are there other title issues
- MLS and Co-Broke Commission suggestions
- Handling multiple offers
- Concerns for vacant short sale listings
- Q&A
Space is limited so register early.
Sean Wilder
Loss Mit Services
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